Cooking with Giugizu: Prawns on peas puree - Gamberi su salsa di piselli

Buongiorno giugizers,
siete pronti per una nuovo video di cucina? Questa settimana io e Daniele prepareremo uno dei miei piatti preferiti del momento, i gamberoni su salsa di piselli. Una ricetta leggera, fresca e gustosa!
Seguite il video e subito sotto troverete la lista degli ingredienti.

Goodmorning giugizers,
are you ready for a new cooking video? This week Daniele and I will cook one of my favourite recipes of the moment, prawns on peas puree. It's a light, fresh and tasty dish!
Watch the video and right below you'll find the ingredients list.

Ingredienti  - Ingredients
Gamberi - Prawns
Piselli- Peas
Aglio - Garlic
Scalogno - Shallot
Peperoncino - Chili pepper
sale q.b. - salt 
olio - oil 

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Passo e chiudo, come sempre vi auguro una buona giornata e vi aspetto al prossimo post! ♥

That's all for today, don't forget to subscribe to my blog , you just need to click on the "Join this site" button on the top right of the page (and if you feel like subscribe to my Youtube channel too by clicking here) in order not to miss any new post or tutorial.
If you liked this recipe  I would really appreciate if you could share it with your friends and help my  blog to grow, you just need to click on the social networks icons here below!
One more thing, if you are going to try out this recipe please send me some pics using the hashtag #cookingwithgiugizu , I'd
love to see your dishes!
Ok, that's all, I will see you soon and as usual I wish you a wonderfull day ♥
